Monday, March 24, 2008

Youth Retreat with the Chilliwack Team

On Friday and Saturday, the Retreat Centre was the location of a Youth Retreat. Though the Canadian youth from the Chilliwack team were a little nervous about being with the Mexican youth, in no time at all, everyone was having a blast together. They played a game where teams had to race to unfold a frozed t-shirt and someone had to put it on. They also built bridges out of popscicle sticks and then tested how much weight the bridge could bear. These bridges were surprisingly strong! We enjoyed milenesa, a thin piece of breaded chicken that is deep-fried, that was served with mashed potatoes. After trying many new Mexican dishes, I think that this one was a favorite and a bit of comfort food with the mashed potatoes instead of mashed beans! It was a successful weekend and injury free other than some skinned knees. The whole group posed for a final picture under the archway before everyone headed home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a wonderful time with you guys in Mexico. Thank you for all that you did for us. We really appreciated it. I am praying that God will allow our paths to cross again some day soon. Maybe that means I will be back to visit.