Friday, March 14, 2008

Fixing What Was Broken

Some people may recognize the top photo as that of our boys' dormitory and the dining hall. We had some problems with the roof as it was leaking during the rainy season. Thus, the decision was recently made to replace the hallway part of the roofing. To fix the problem we added more height to the outside wall, a slightly smaller incline on the roof, and just a generally thicker and better prepared roof. Francisco and his men began disassembling the roof this past Monday and as of yesterday, had put in place most of the concrete formers to receive the concrete on Monday. The second picture shows Moises looking down on one of the workers that is working perilously high off the ground. The third picture is in the hall of the boys' dorm. The young man standing there is Lucas who hails from near Ashville, North Carolina. We got to know Lucas while studying Spanish in Texas. He was writing a paper in Spanish on theology and came to our house for some help. We started talking and reworking his paper. Before we knew it, he was over every evening talking about Bible and theology with Marcel. He was really hungering and thirsting. He's wanting to be a missionary to Mexico and hopes to attend Liberty University in Virginia this coming fall in pursuit of that goal. He's very good at Spanish and will be very useful when the Gateway Team from Chilliwack, B.C. arrives later today.

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