Monday, May 25, 2009

Brit's ok and our stuff to sell

Brittany returned safely from her two day class trip. She was strapped into the seats of the Batman ride with her legs dangling when the earthquake happened. Six Flags closed the ride for "Technical Difficulties". Brittany and her friends saw signs moving but thought it was the wind. Then they noticed other people stopped with confused looks on their faces. Six Flags made an PA announcement that all rides would be closed for 30 minutes because there was an earthquake. This happened a second time in the afternoon when an aftershock happened.
She seemed far more excited to have found a Rhino Bug with her classmates. They thought it was dead but then it began to slowly walk across the hotel room dresser. The dads who chaperoned both yelled and kicked the bug out the door. Another boy rescued his "science project" so that he could show the science teacher on Monday. The bug is dark brown, half the size of your fist, and really has a rhino-like horn.
Our lastest news is a completed "Items to Sell" list. Bookshelf $150, Fireproof document safe $150, blue dresser $350, pulpit $300, 2 metal shelving units $50 each,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If all works to God's timing we'll host a Winnipeg Challenge in 2010 reaching to our newest neighbours