Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Anthropology Museum

Today, we went to the Museo Nacional de Antropología (National Anthropology Museum). Arguably, it it is one the best anthropological or archaeological museums in the world and we have visited some of the best (The Israel Museum is a close second). We took the bus from near our home and it dropped us off about 1 km from the entrance to the museum. Marcel had visited the museum two years ago with Brittany when there was an Egypt exhibit but they never saw any of the Mexican exhibits. The museum is sectioned into the various cultures that were dominant over the years and there locals. Since our time was limited, we chose to visit the sections about the Teotihuacanos, Mexicas and the Toltecs, since these cultures were most dominant in the Mexico City area. It cost about $45 pesos ($4.25) for each of us to enter. The museum is very large and has an impressive display and assortment of native artifacts. Inside the museum entrance and in the courtyard is the largest concrete canopy in the world (the bottom picture above) and it is supported by only one pillar. With the fountain waters turned on, it seemed to have been meant to resemble a tree in a rain forest.

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