Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pastor the English Camp

Pastor Dan, Senior Pastor of Parma Heights Baptist Church, arrived in Mexico City on Sunday night and spent the first three days at the retreat center in Acolman and at the VBS in Ecatepec. Now he is in the west side of the city and observing what the Parma Heights teams is doing at the English camp. He seems quite impressed with what has taken place and sees the potential of this ministry. The top picture shows Pastor Dan debriefing the kids following another intense camp today. Pastor Dan said how proud he knows the parents would be if they could just see their kids in action at the English camp. The video beneath the picture is of one of the games we play to encourage the Mexicans to speak English. The game is called, "Honey, If You Love Me." Everyone in the group sits in a circle. One person is chosen as "it" and must select another person and try to make them smile. The "it" person must go to another person that is seated and say (while making funny faces etc.) " Honey, if you love me, would you please, please smile?" The seated person must respond without smiling, "Honey, I love you but I won't smile." It is a great game to practice repetitive words, questions and statements. If the seated person begins to smile, they becomes "it". Click on the video above to hear Alex ask Esme and try to get her to smile.

We would like some prayer. Today, we invited all the young people to attend future youth meetings on Saturdays for the remainder of July and August and we opened our home to doing English tutoring for adults and youth. We would love a good response...and so all sounds good! Who knows, as Moises said to me today, "Maybe our church plant will start out as a youth ministry?"

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