Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Open Doors Lead to Open Hearts

This past weekend, Ahava was invited to the birthday party of a little friend from her school, Gerardo. We were not sure what to expect as it was the first birthday party that we had been invited to. The party was scheduled for 4 pm and knowing that time means nothing here, we showed up at the party at 4:20. We were the first people and the mom was still decorating. Over the next hour or two others arrived. Parties are a big deal in México and despite the obvious poverty of our gracious hosts, they went all out to make sure their little boy had a nice party. We were so thankful that we were invited to their home. We had been hoping to build relations with more people in the area than just our immediate neighbours. God seems to be allowing us to talk more and more with people here. Today, I (Marcel) struck up a conversation in Spanish with a young dad named Andres who was picking up his son from school. When I walk Ahava to school, I often walk our dog as well. There seems to be two things that are great conversation starters here: dogs and children. So that's what we talked for about fifteen minutes and about a few other things. The door has been opened and I'm sure there will be further opportunity to speak with him. The other day, there was a man we met on the way to school. He was washing his car and began the conversation by mentioning how nice our German Shepherd looked. From there we went to talk about why we are here: to plant churches. When people ask "Where?", we say, "In people's homes." We are here to plant house churches in every colonia in Mexico City. They are intrigued by that. In Wal-Mart the other day we were walking through the store with the whole family of five girls and one of Brittany's friends when a mom sent her little girl to us and asked in English if we were Mormon. It's amazing how easily people will start conversations with us. It is our deep hope that at some point in the near future we will be able to have the opportunity to help someone become a follower of Jesus. The church is growing here at a phenomenal rate. Our dentist today told us that she has heard that the president of Mexico has recently become a Christian and is attending a church in our city and even named which church. We have not been able to confirm that story but we would pray that it is true. God is at work here and neat things are happening. Pray that these little conversations that we have with people will lead to conversions and house church plants.
The first picture above is of Ahava on a trampoline in the street at Gerardo's birthday party.
The second pictura is of Ahava getting a hug from her teacher Miss Gaby who attended the party.
The third picture is of some of the little party goers playing Musical Chairs.

1 comment:

Shan in Japan said...

I have started to getting good mornings from dog walkers when I am out on my walk/run. I am bad about remembering the people's faces, I mostly remember the dogs!:)