Monday, January 21, 2008

Mexican Art

Mexico is a very artistic land and has been so for two millennia. One of the more famous modern artists is the muralist and cubist painter Diego Riviera. Born in Guanajato, Diego moved to Mexico City at the age of five. He took up painting early in life, studying in Mexico and Europe. He married another famous Mexican painter: Frieda Kahlo. They apparently fought like two Turks and though the marriage ended in divorce, they remarried. Despite the marriages, atheism and communistic leanings, one must admire his excellent murals. He was painfully honest about Mexican history which was the theme of his work as you may note in the above pictures. These pictures of his murals were taken at the National Palace at the Zocolo in downtown Mexico City. Diego died in November of 1957. It is fifty years since his death and there are many celebrations and exhibits around the country celebrating his artistic achievements.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the Art work of both Frieda and Diego. Both so different, yet equally beautiful.