Monday, October 22, 2007

Talking in Spanish

Spanish is a beautiful language and it is one of the more easy languages for English speakers to grasp. We're really glad we were not called to learn Arabic or some tonal tribal dialect found only in the remote jungles of New Guinea. Language is difficult acquire the older one gets but it is not impossible. Everyday we learn new words and sentence constructions. Fortunately, Mexicans are a very patient people and when they know you are struggling with the language, they are eager to help you. They do love the fact that other people want to learn their language. Several people in the church have made it a weekly exercise to help us with the language, including Henaro pictured above, by just conversing with us in very easy basic sentences. It's a big help. The problem is we could really use a couple of people near our home in Atizapan to spend a few hours with us every week to just talk and correct our sentences.

1 comment:

Hmn. Faron said...

I can attest that the hispanic people are indeed very helpful in my attempts to master their language. However, it is very annoying when they from time to time correct my English! :)