Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Urgent Prayer Request for Honduras - Hurricane Felix

We received this prayer request from our Honduran friends that we met during our time at language school in Texas. This photo is of Noel and Reina Gomez and their children, Noeli and Daniel Carlos. Noel was one of Marcel's Spanish tutors and Reina showed Ingrid how to make corn tortillas from scratch. They live in a city on a plateau in the mountains of Honduras called Siguatepeque. Noel plans to continue his seminary education at a Spanish seminary that is in his city. Reina has all ready begun the school year as a public school teacher in the high mountains. Noel sent this e-mail:
Queidos hermanos y amigos, espero que Dios les este bendiciendo ricamente en sus vidas. El motivo de esta carta es para pedirles oracion por mi país, pues estamos apunto d sufrir los efectos del uracán Felix, como ustedes ya saben mi país es uno de los paices más pobres del mundo y esto solo biene a agravar las cosas, los pronosticos no son muy alentadores, por eso ruego su clamor por este pueblo. En Cristo, Noel Gómez.
Dear Christian brothers and friends: I hope that God is richly blessing your lives. The motive of this letter is to ask you to pray for my country. Well, we are at the point of suffering the effects of Hurricane Felix. As you all ready know, my country is one of the most poor countries of the world and this is only good to aggravate things. The forecasts are not very encouraging. For that I beg you to cry out for this people. In Christ, Noel Gomez.
We are worried about those who will be affected by Hurricane Felix in various countries but we are concerned for this family in particular. There were mudslides in the mountains following Hurricane Mitch six years ago and this hour, predictions are for two feet of rain in the mountains as Hurricane Felix passes over land.
We welcome your written prayers added to our comments so that Noel can be encouraged and will be able to share our prayers with his church congregation.


Anonymous said...

You are the creator and the calmer of storms. We ask that You would hold back the storm's fury from the Honduran people. Keep our fellow believers safe as the storm passes.
Lord we ask that in the aftermath, that your love would be clearly demonstrated through believers who come alongside and minister to those devestated by the storm. Stir up compassion in those around the world who were not affected to assist those who were.
If it is Your will, we pray that Felix would do no damage, but if the storm must hit, Lord use it to point many to you.
Lord, Scripture says that the wind and the waves obey You, so we trust that You can work a miracle, but will still praise You even if You do not.
In the name of your son,

Anonymous said...

I pray that you will continue to help the Honduran people as they recover. May they know your enduring strength,loving care and peace.
In Jesus name,

Anonymous said...

Gracias por sus oraciones Dios les bendiga, ruego sus oraciones para que Dios toque a personas que esten dispuesta a ofrenar para el soporte economico de nuestro ministerio entre nuestra gente.
Dios les bendiga.
Noel Gomez