Thursday, November 29, 2007

Checking on the Camp's Progress

It was a beautiful day in the largest city in the world today. Moises and I took advantage of the nice weather to check on the workers' progress at the camp. I also go to hear their Spanish and thus, practice my listening skills. As you can see, the roses at the camp are still blooming though some of the trees have lost their foliage.
Much has been accomplished in the last few weeks including the entire outside of the building being covered with stucco and the interior of the new second level being finished with stucco. There are now a set of concrete stairs from the boys dorm into what will be the indoor recreation area. Celestino and his workers were working on the wiring of the family dorms and the rec room and began to put in a new door bell that is as loud as a fire alarm, high on the main house so that Carolina can hear it from her home. Moises, Celestino and I also took some time to figure out what to do with that beam that is overhanging in the future dining hall. For now we will leave it. It is very secure and may possible be useful to hang stage lighting and a over head projector in the future.
After all the work was done, it was off to a local taco stand for Carnitas. A carnita is deep fried pork served in a corn tortilla. It's not is like a heart attack in a tortilla but with limon, salsa roja, onions and cilantro, it tastes great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this site. I enjoy seeing the progress at the retreat as well as reading about your adventures. I have fond memories of being at the retreat center in 2001.May God continue to bless you as well as the Ruiz family. Jday (Iowa)