Friday, August 31, 2007

On the flight path

Besides being on the base leg of Mexico City International Airport which lets me see all sort of great aircraft everyday from around the world ( Iberia Airlines A-340s and KLM 747-400s for example), then there are these two aircraft. The reason that they are noteworthy is that they are very loud, not because of their engines but because of their speakers. The picture of the little yellow plane (a Piper Super Cub) in noteworthy because almost everyday the plane buzzes our neighbourhood at low level with a loud speaker that is advertising homes for sale in a new development. You can hear the thing for miles. The picture of the helicopter is of the police helicopter for Atizapan which today flew over our kids' school at about 300' above ground level with its siren blaring. That right, it has a siren...a very loud siren...and bad guys can hear it from miles away. I don't think they ever turn the siren off.

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